Met office predicts ‘odds on for a barbecue summer’

The Met Office predicts that Britain is in for a hot dry summer: “Summer temperatures across the UK are likely to be warmer than average and rainfall near or below average for the three months of summer.” After the wash-out summers of 2007/08, in which July and August were monsoon season, this is welcome news.

Barbecuing with your shirt off: Dadness 1970s-style

Barbecuing with your shirt off: Dadness 1970s-style

Chief Meteorologist at the Met Office, Ewen McCallum, said: “After two disappointingly-wet summers, the signs are much more promising this year. We can expect times when temperatures will be above 30 °C, something we hardly saw at all last year.”

Combine the prospect of good weather with a weak pound and a recession, and you have the prospect of a mammoth camping season.

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